Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Welcome to Malaysia Forex brokers blog

Welcome to my blog Malaysia Forex brokers. I’ve been blogging for a long time but that is only one of the many things I do. I’m mostly involved in Forex trading as well as in precious metal trading. In this blog, you’ll find tips and advices on investing from Malaysia.

A Few Facts about Investing from Malaysia

The financial sector of Malaysia is made up of a wide range of institutions that aim to serve the complex needs of the economy. Since Malaysia is generally a Muslim country, its finance sector also has an Islamic financial system in addition to a conventional system. These two co-exist and operate together.

The Central Bank of Malaysia

The Bank Negara Malaysia is Malaysia’s central bank.  It is the head of the financial and monetary structure of the country.  Like the central banks from other countries. The Bank Negara has powers under various laws to regulate and oversee the operations of financial institutions in the country. It also manages the country’s foreign exchange regulations.

Forex Trading – What is it All About?

Since the advent of the Internet, people have found numerous ways to make money off it. Some think making money online is a scam while others are actually reaping a huge amount of money from it. One of the most popular ways people make money online is by investing in currencies or also known as Forex trading.
Forex or foreign exchange is simply the largest financial market in the world. It has an enormous $5 trillion daily trade volume. It is very active as all countries participate in this market with huge amounts of money being exchanged every second.
Forex trading used to be doable only for financial companies as well as the elite class. This is because of the large amount of money that was required in participating in this activity. But since Forex brokerage companies allowed smaller amounts of deposits, average investors around the world has jumped into the bandwagon, putting a few thousands or even hundreds of dollars into the market with the hopes of reaping profits in return.

Analyzing Malaysia as a Forex Trading Market

There are many reasons why Forex trading is attractive for investors around the world. For one, it has the potential to turn your humble capital into large amounts of profits. Many traders speculate in the Forex market for monetary purposes. For some Forex traders, the advantages of Forex trading over stocks, fixed income, bonds, equities and other types of investments outweigh its drawbacks.
The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. It operates through a network of banks and institutions in different sectors. However it does not have a central marketplace where all transactions take place. The Forex market is a decentralized market as currencies are exchanged online across different banks around the world.

Forex Trading Malaysia – How to Make Money Trading Currencies

Forex trading or currency trading is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to earn income from the Internet. It used to be that Forex trading was only possible for banks as well as the elite class of investors who have hundreds of thousands to invest. But now, thanks to the Internet and the growing competition among Forex operators, currency trading has become possible for average investors like you and me. This means that we don’t need to have a staggering amount of wealth like the banks and billionaires to trade currencies. There are a number of Forex brokers today that offer accounts for a few thousands to even hundreds of dollars.

Starting with Currency Trading in Malaysia

With much of the world’s economy experiencing slow growth in the past few years, it is pleasantly surprising for Malaysia that its economy is enjoying a boom that has even amazed skeptics. According to the second quarter gross domestic product figures that was released this week, the Malaysian economy has grown by 5.4 percent, which is above the consensus expectations of 4.6 percent, as well as the 4.0 per cent recorded after an upward revision.
Malaysians economy growth has been contributed by the lending to business by well capitalized banks, exorbitant government spending as well as healthy consumer demand which was allowed for by pay rises for civil servants and cash handouts that have been distributed among citizens.

Choosing a Forex Broker – Does it Need to be in Malaysia Only?

The Bank of Negara allows investors in Malaysia to invest in currencies for speculation purposes. And while Forex trading is legal in the country, investors have limited choices as to what local brokerage companies to choose in trading currencies.
For traders who are based in Malaysia and would like to see a wider range of choices for Forex brokers, the best option is to look among the offshore brokers. You can find a lot of these with just a simple query online.
Now, selecting a Forex broker used to be a fairly simple process because there was only a handful available. But with the rise of the Internet and the massive growth of Forex trading, the number of Forex brokers has skyrocketed. It may seem daunting given the vast number of Forex brokers available to everyone, but by doing some thorough research, selecting the right Forex broker for you can be a bit easier. Below are the things you need to consider when finding the right Forex broker.

How Forex Brokers Work?

We know that Forex brokers are the bridge between us and the massive Forex market where we can either make or lose a substantial amount of money in just a short period. When we think of Forex brokers, we picture savvy professionals with business suits, sitting up in their multi million dollar offices doing what they do.  And while this may be true at times, it’s also helpful to know that there is nothing magical or inexplicable about what these brokers do for a living. In fact, it is quiet straightforward.

Regulated Forex brokers in Malaysia

As the Forex trading sector becomes more and more popular among average investors, it is also no doubt that is has become quite a complicated beast. For someone who is just starting out, things can get really daunting and overwhelming. There is a wide source of information online about Forex trading that information overload is so evident among us. This has been the case since Forex opened its doors to retail market players like you and me.
You might have come across this website to find out about Forex trading and how to get involved in it particularly from Malaysia. This website is dedicated to Malaysians and Malaysia-based investors who are looking to participate in the vast Forex market.

Islamic Forex brokers - Malaysia

The fact that there is such thing as Islamic Forex brokers only proves that there is indeed a wide diversity in the Forex trading sector. Once you understand this, you can no longer presume that all transactions take place in Western countries where the majority of the market players are non Muslims. In any case, a lot of so called religious people do not practice any of the tenets that are required of them. The Islamic Forex accounts however is another attempt to get everyone, regardless of the religious beliefs, involved.
Muslims in particular are concerned about investment accounts that involve overnight interest. According to the Islamic Sharia law, Muslims are forbidden to take any money in return for their ‘giving’. That means that if a Muslim is trading currencies, he or she is not allowed to pay or receive any type of interest on their payment.